Welcome to Learn-2-Play an online course that introduces educational game design basics to youth workers, youth leaders and educators. This is a free asynchronous course, which means that you can take it at your own pace.
For Whom is the Course?
E-Course Introduction
What is the course like?
What Makes a Game?
What are Your Favorite Games?
Why Would You Use Games in Learning?
What Makes a Game Educational?
Educational Game Taxonomy
What Educational Games Do You Use?
What is This Module About?
1. Tabletop Games
Pitch Perfect
2. Live Action Games
3. Escape Games
Secrets & Lies of Class 8A
Discussion & Experience Exchange
Motivation & Types of Fun
How to Make Engaging Games?
Game Design
Setting Learning Outcomes
Thinking About the Dynamics
Experimenting with Game Mechanics
Testing Your Game Concept
Strengthening the Game with Aesthetics
Game Design Quiz
Facilitating Educational Games
Discussion & Experience Exchange
Course Finale
Course feedback
Where to find more inspiration & resources?
About Us
About the Project